I am Spartacus

Shakespeare's Sister is one of best political blogs on the Net. When one of their bloggers signed on to the Edwards campaign, I thought that was a sign that the blogosphere was finally being accepted as the voice of the true majority.

Not so fast, bodhisattva. The religious right and their echo chamber worked the MSM up into a fine, frothy furor over an alleged bias they attributed to one of the Edwards bloggers. While Edwards did his best to stand up for them, it was probably inevitable that a resignation would be forthcoming.

That doesn't mean we give up. Many in the blogosphere (including our colleague at Newport9 who, as always, captures the essence and backstory elegantly) are publicly standing with Shakes, and I'm proud to join in: I am Spartacus.

Read more from Kathryn Cramer.com, Driftglass, and Scott Rosenberg.