Charter Change, one more time, Monday night, please be there

The Town Council will close discussion on proposals to reform the Tent Meeting tomorrow, and if you want ANY OTHER ISSUES to get discussed for the next six months, PLEASE show up and voice your support for a ballot in June. That means everyone who cares about Target, who cares about sewer/septic decisions, who cares about wind energy, or the Town Budget, or, heck, who cares about everyday business by the Council sitting as the Board Of License Commissioners. You care? Be there.

Please. Town Hall, 7pm. A special plea: I'm out of town on business this week. If anything good happens, please drop me a note. Thanks!

I'm passing this along from the folks who got the Charter Change ball rolling. Big round of applause for Chris and Sal Carcellar. Here's some of what they said:

We won't give up until we change the current tent meeting process !!!!

Just letting you know that Sal is on the agenda ONCE AGAIN tomorrow night (Monday) @ 7pm at the town hall [...] Mr. Canario promised that tomorrow night a date will be set.

Support is needed to get this on a ballot ASAP instead of waiting until November's ballot. If you have the time to attend tomorrow night, please do and please request it be put on a ballot ASAP so we don't further separate this town with another tent meeting like last year.

if you are unable to attend, but would like to send Council President Dennis Canario a quick note, please email him at

Here are e-mails for the other other Council members you might want to ping:
Huck Little:
Peter McIntyre:
Karen Gleason: