NYT columnist: iPhone, the music video

NY Times tech columnist David Pogue was one of the early reviewers of the device. Now, he's back with a less-reasoned, but no less impassioned musical appreciation that has to be seen to be believed. No, really.

As for me, with five days of texting under my belt — my major concern was the keypad — I'm quite happy. The real eye-opener comes, as many reviewers have noted, when you just relax and trust the software. It uses a dictionary to predict the next letter you're likely to type and makes that virtual key bigger, and it also has sophisticated error detection to determine what you *meant* to type, and offers suggestions you can accept with a tap of the space bar. Like, say your fingers miss and you type "Ophime." It correctly suggests "iPhone." Once you get used to not seeing exactly the word you expect under the cursor and trusting that it's going to be okay, you can type pretty darned quickly.

Bonus: Want to review the evolution of Apple products? A neat visual review here. h/t to the Fake Steve Jobs blog.

Disclosure: I am an Apple shareholder.


My family and I were in NY at this very spot, the day before the iPhone went on sale. No line to go down the elevator to the store then. There were a lot of very animated salespeople milling about the entrance though.

Hi, Olive...
Yeah, Apple seems to have figured out the right formula. Even though, by most reports, they moved almost a million phones in a week, the lines kept moving, and people who thought they could sell them for a premium on eBay have been sorely disappointed. I did wait for a while last Friday at the AT&T store in Warwick (they sold out) but I picked mine up on Saturday morning at Providence Place without waiting.
